
What We  Believe

From gas prices to the cost of heating your home to the price of food at the grocery store, Colorado has become dramatically more expensive for working families. It’s nearly impossible for young families, teachers, or first responders to buy or even rent a home in the communities they work in. With soaring property taxes, seniors who worked their entire lives to pay off a home can now be forced out.

Liberal policies have embraced excessive taxes, fees, and regulations that have dampened economic opportunity and too often put the American Dream out of reach for many Coloradans. 

We believe in reducing the scope and cost of government so that entrepreneurs and families can thrive and help restore Colorado’s status as a destination where men and women can affordably build businesses and raise their families here.

At Advance Colorado, we believe in an education system that puts Colorado parents and students first through a system that emphasizes:

At the heart of Colorado’s school system is school choice, in which our state has been a national trailblazer for decades. – a system that has enjoyed deep, bipartisan support.

What We  Do

At Advance Colorado we promote policies that expand economic freedom and opportunity while keeping government in check.

  • SOARING PROPERTY TAXES: Colorado’s property tax crisis with increases of 30 percent or more hitting family budgets is making our state even more unaffordable. We’re proposing the Citizens’ Tax Cut: a two-initiative plan that will cut property taxes and then cap future increases to prevent the kind of tax spike plaguing Coloradans today.
  • STANDING UP FOR COLORADO ENERGY: The consistent attack by legislators and regulators on energy has led to a 30% increase in cost for natural gas and a 54% increase for propane. Prices at the pump are expected to spike thanks to federal environmental penalties hitting Colorado. We stand up for energy workers, energy jobs, and energy independence – a bedrock of our state’s economy.
  • JOB CRUSHING REGULATIONS: Businesses are suffering under higher taxes and burdensome regulations. Colorado has gone from the #1 economy in the nation to the 23rd worst employment rate. Regulations cause national companies to avoid Colorado and stifle innovation. Advance Colorado is active at the Legislature, in the courts and in the media fighting over-reaching, needless government red tape.

What You Can Do

We help citizens become advocates and leaders.

Whether you are a concerned parent, grandparent or taxpayer, Advance Colorado can equip you with the knowledge and tools to be an effective advocate for high quality, accountable schools. Learn more about our ambassador program.

And if you are interested in running to become a member of your local school board, you can apply to participate in the Advance Colorado Academy New Leader program. LINK If you are a current school board member, you can enroll in our “You’ve Won, Now What?” program. Learn more about our “You’ve Won, Now What?” program.


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Colorado is a special place with special people. For too long, leaders have stood by while liberal special interest groups and politicians have turned Colorado into a testing ground for some of the most liberal policies and plans in the nation.